6.1 Imports and ops

In the previous chapter, we explored the execution of a simple "hello world" program in Deno, examining key concepts in depth. The program's simplicity was intentional, allowing us to focus on understanding Deno's functionality rather than the program itself.

Our exploration covered a range of crucial topics, including:

  • The execution command known as "Run"

  • The central entity referred to as the "Main Worker"

  • The mechanism responsible for loading modules

  • Visualization of the module relationships through the module graph

  • The component handling the retrieval of files

  • The JavaScript Runtime, which is pivotal for execution

  • The multifaceted process of module loading

  • The intricate evaluation procedure of these loaded modules

  • And many other interconnected elements.

This chapter marks a new stage in our exploration. We will build on our initial "hello world" example by adding imports, synchronous and asynchronous operations. This will significantly improve our understanding of how imports work in Deno's framework and how Deno and the V8 engine manage operations.

Note that this chapter is a direct continuation of the previous one. With a solid foundation in place, we will focus on new concepts and insights, rather than revisiting the basics.

Chapter contents

6.1 Imports and ops6.2 Hello world program v26.3 Module graph with imports6.4 Transpile6.5 Registration and instantiation6.6 Registration of ops6.7 Evaluate module6.8 Sync OPs6.9 Debug logs

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