1.4 Releases

First release

The concept behind Deno was unveiled in 2018, followed by a rapid and intensive development phase that spanned nearly two years. The inaugural official launch of Deno occurred on May 13, 2020, marking a significant achievement with the release of version 1.0.0. Although a number of bugs were present, Deno demonstrated its effectiveness and functionality. Following this successful launch, Deno adopted a consistent pattern of issuing both major and minor updates according to a predetermined schedule. This iterative approach allowed Deno to evolve while addressing issues and enhancing its capabilities over time.

Subsequent releases

The ongoing progress and rollout of Deno persist, albeit at a more deliberate and measured pace. The Deno repository on Github remains highly dynamic and vibrant, with numerous updates occurring on an almost daily basis. This consistent activity signifies the dedicated efforts being invested in the project's advancement. The development team is focused on maintaining a meticulous approach to enhancements and releases, ensuring a steady evolution of Deno's capabilities.

Release schedule

Since its initial launch, Deno has progressed through a total of 36 significant updates, accompanied by various smaller revisions. At present, Deno continues to operate within the 1.x release framework. As of August 2023, discussions have arisen regarding the forthcoming release of Deno 2.0, anticipated to emerge later in the ongoing year.

You can find comprehensive records of all these releases on this dedicated page: https://github.com/denoland/deno/releases/. These releases, marked by version numbers like 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 1.3.0, 1.36.0, among others, tend to surface roughly once every month.

For each major release, such as those mentioned, an official blog post is made accessible to the community, chronicling the advancements and changes: https://deno.com/blog.

On the other hand, minor releases, indicated as 1.major.minor, manifest with a frequency spanning between 2 to 8 days. Under normal circumstances, these minor releases adhere to a weekly schedule unless unforeseen urgent issues necessitate a swifter response.

While Deno remains in a state of evolution, the pace of development is now more rigorously managed. Every major and minor release integrates an array of new features and solutions for identified issues. These updates encompass a broad spectrum of enhancements and fixes, contributing to the maturation of the platform. The extent of these modifications can be quite substantial, making it a challenge to enumerate each individual change due to their sheer abundance.

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