Question 19
Can you explain the difference between Promise.all()
, Promise.allSettled()
, Promise.race()
, and Promise.any().
Each of the methods Promise.all()
, Promise.allSettled()
, Promise.race()
, and Promise.any()
provides a unique way to manage the resolution or rejection of multiple promises, catering to different use cases. Let's examine their distinct behaviors:
1. Promise.all()
accepts an iterable of promises as input and returns a new promise that resolves when all the input promises resolve successfully. If any of the input promises rejects, the returned promise also rejects with the reason from the first rejected promise. Essentially, Promise.all()
acts as a collective success checkpoint for multiple asynchronous operations.
2. Promise.allSettled()
behaves similarly to Promise.all()
, but it returns an array of settled promises, regardless of whether they resolved or rejected. Each element in the returned array represents the state and result (if any) of the corresponding input promise. This method is useful when you need information about the status of all promises, even if some failed.
3. Promise.race()
accepts an iterable of promises and returns a new promise that resolves or rejects as soon as one of the input promises does so. It prioritizes speed, resolving or rejecting based on the fastest outcome among the given promises. This method is useful when you need to handle the first completed promise without waiting for others.
4. Promise.any()
accepts an iterable of promises and returns a new promise that resolves with the value of the first promise to resolve in the input iterable. If all input promises reject, Promise.any()
rejects with an AggregateError containing information about all rejected promises. This method is useful when you need to wait for at least one promise to succeed, regardless of how many others might fail.
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