Question 68
Can you explain how to use service workers to cache assets and improve performance?
Service workers are a powerful tool for building offline-first web applications and improving website performance.
Here's a breakdown of how to use them for caching assets:
1. Registering a Service Worker:
in your HTML file, and this script will register the service worker when the page loads.
2. The Service Worker (service-worker.js
Event: This event fires when the service worker is first installed. Inside it, we
to open a cache named "my-cache" and add all the listed assets to it usingcache.addAll()
Event: This event handles all network requests made by the web page.We check if the requested resource is in the cache using
. If found, we return the cached response immediately.If not found, we fetch the resource from the network and:
Clone the fetched response to keep the original intact for the page.
Store the cloned response in the cache for future requests.
Return the original fetched response to the page.
Key Points:
Caching Strategy: Choose a caching strategy that suits your needs. You can use various techniques like:
Cache First: Serve from cache, fetch if not available.
Network First: Fetch from network, cache if successful.
Expiration: Use expiration headers or TTL (Time To Live) to control how long cached assets are valid.
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