Question 87
Describe the concept of function overloading in JavaScript.
Function Overloading (in Theory):
In languages like C++, Java, or C#, function overloading allows you to define multiple functions with the same name but different parameter lists. The compiler then chooses the correct function to call based on the types and number of arguments passed during invocation.
JavaScript's Approach:
JavaScript doesn't have true function overloading in the traditional sense.
Dynamic Typing: JavaScript is dynamically typed, meaning you don't declare variable types explicitly. This flexibility makes it harder for the language to determine which function should be called based on argument types alone.
Parameter Flexibility: You can achieve some semblance of "overloading" by using:
Function Arguments as Parameters:
2. Default Parameters: You can specify default values for function parameters, allowing different behavior based on provided arguments:
Alternatives in JavaScript:
Duck Typing: Embrace the dynamic nature of JavaScript. Focus on whether an object "walks like a duck" and "quacks like a duck," rather than relying on strict type matching.
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