45 - Chat application with real-time messaging using WebSockets
Create a chat application with real-time messaging using WebSockets, establishing a WebSocket connection to a server-side endpoint, displaying a chat interface with message history and user input, sending and receiving messages through the WebSocket connection, and updating the interface accordingly.
Set up a WebSocket server-side endpoint
Establish a WebSocket connection from the client-side to the server-side endpoint
Display a chat interface with message history and user input
Send messages from the client-side to the server-side through the WebSocket connection
Receive messages from the server-side and update the chat interface accordingly
Handle disconnections and reconnects
: The main chat application componentChatInterface
: The chat interface component displaying message history and user inputWebSocketService
: The service establishing and managing the WebSocket connection
The code establishes a WebSocket connection from the client-side to the server-side endpoint, displays a chat interface with message history and user input, sends and receives messages through the WebSocket connection, and updates the interface accordingly.
Possible Future Enhancements
Add support for multiple chat rooms
Add support for user authentication and authorization
Add support for file transfers
Improve performance and scalability
Integrate with a backend API for data persistence
Last updated