45 - Chat application with real-time messaging using WebSockets


Develop a chat application in React that interacts with a WebSocket server to enable real-time messaging.

  • Establishes a WebSocket connection to a server-side endpoint.

  • Displays a chat interface with message history and user input.

  • Sends and receives messages through the WebSocket connection, updating the interface accordingly.

  • Optionally supports features like user lists, private messaging, and message formatting.


  1. Component Structure:

    • ChatApp: Main container component, managing connection and rendering others.

    • MessageList: Displays chat messages, updating as new ones arrive.

    • ChatInput: Input field for sending messages, triggering send events.

  2. WebSocket Connection:

    • Use the WebSocket API to create a connection to the server-side endpoint.

    • Store the connection object in component state using useState.

    • Attach event listeners:

      • onopen: Handle successful connection (send initial data if needed).

      • onmessage: Receive incoming messages, update MessageList state.

      • onerror: Handle errors, display error messages, and attempt reconnection.

  3. Message Sending:

    • Implement a function to send messages through the WebSocket connection.

    • Handle potential errors and connection status.

  4. Message Display:

    • Render received messages in the MessageList component, applying styling and formatting as needed.

  5. User Interface:

    • Design the chat interface with message history, input field, and optional user lists.

    • Consider clear visual distinctions for different message types (e.g., sent vs. received).


// ChatApp component
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const ChatApp = () => {
  const [messages, setMessages] = useState([]);
  const [socket, setSocket] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    // Establish WebSocket connection
    const ws = new WebSocket('ws://your-server-endpoint');

    // Event listeners
    ws.onopen = () => {
      // Handle successful connection
    ws.onmessage = (event) => {
      const newMessage = JSON.parse(event.data); // Assuming JSON-formatted messages
      setMessages((prevMessages) => [...prevMessages, newMessage]);
    ws.onerror = (error) => {
      // Handle errors and reconnection logic

    // Cleanup on unmount
    return () => {
  }, []);

  const handleSendMessage = (message) => {
    if (socket && socket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
      socket.send(JSON.stringify(message)); // Assuming server expects JSON
    } else {
      // Handle connection errors or pending state

  return (
    <div className="chat-app">
      <MessageList messages={messages} />
      <ChatInput onSendMessage={handleSendMessage} />


  • The ChatApp component manages the WebSocket connection, state for messages, and rendering of other components.

  • useEffect initializes the connection and sets up event listeners.

  • handleSendMessage sends messages through the WebSocket if the connection is open.

  • MessageList and ChatInput components (not shown) handle message display and user input, respectively.

Additional Notes

  • Implement error handling and reconnection logic for robustness.

  • Consider user authentication and authorization if required.

  • Explore advanced features like private messaging, user presence indicators, and file sharing.

  • Optimize performance for large-scale usage and message history management.

  • Integrate with server-side logic for user management and message broadcasting.

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