8 - Dynamically Generated Text Art


Create a React component that transforms user-provided text into visually appealing art using characters, symbols, and formatting.

  • Accept user input for text to be transformed.

  • Offer a selection of text art styles or patterns.

  • Render the generated text art in a visually engaging format.

  • Allow for customization of colors, fonts, and potentially sizes.


  1. Create a React component with state to manage text input and selected style.

  2. Implement a function to generate text art based on input and style choice.

  3. Use string manipulation, character mapping, and formatting techniques to create the art.

  4. Render the generated text art using HTML elements and CSS styling.

  5. Provide options for customization through user controls or props.


import React, { useState } from 'react';
const figlet = require('figlet'); // Import figlet for ASCII art

const TextArtGenerator = () => {
  const [text, setText] = useState(''); // User input text
  const [style, setStyle] = useState('ascii'); // Selected style

  const generateArt = (text, style) => {
    if (style === 'ascii') {
      // Enhanced ASCII art using figlet library
      return figlet.textSync(text, { horizontalLayout: 'full' });
    } else if (style === 'emoji') {
      // Basic emoji mapping example
      const emojiMap = {
        'a': '',
        'b': '',
        'c': '',
        // ... Add more emoji mappings
      return text.split('').map((char) => emojiMap[char] || char).join('');
    } else {
      // Handle other styles or return original text
      return text;

  return (
    <div className="text-art-generator">
      <h3>Generate Text Art</h3>
      <input type="text" placeholder="Enter Text" value={text} onChange={(e) => setText(e.target.value)} />
      <select value={style} onChange={(e) => setStyle(e.target.value)}>
        <option value="ascii">ASCII Art</option>
        <option value="emoji">Emoji Art</option>
        {/* Add more style options here */}
      <pre>{generateArt(text, style)}</pre>

export default TextArtGenerator;


  • This component uses useState hooks to manage user input and the chosen style.

  • The generateArt function is responsible for transforming the text based on the selected style.

  • The provided example demonstrates a simple ASCII replacement logic, but you can implement various techniques for text manipulation and symbol variations.

  • The generated art is displayed in a preformatted element for clarity.

  • You can enhance this example by adding more styles, customization options for colors and fonts, and functionalities like saving art as images or sharing it online.

Additional Notes

  • Implementing additional text art styles like mirrored text, pixel art, or decorative borders.

  • Incorporating libraries like 'figlet' for more advanced ASCII art generation.

  • Adding color options and CSS styling to make the art visually appealing.

  • Building functionalities like saving art as images or sharing it to social media.

Last updated