6 - Dynamic Movie List with Filtering and Sorting


Develop a React application featuring a dynamic list of movies. Users should be able to:

  • View a list of movie titles with basic information like release year and rating.

  • Filter the list by genre, release year range, or rating range.

  • Sort the list by title, release year, or rating.

  • Click on a movie title to access its details (e.g., plot summary, director, cast).


  1. Data Source: Implement a way to fetch movie data, either from a local JSON file, API call, or mock data object.

  2. State Management: Utilize React's useState hook to manage state variables like:

    • movies: Array of movie objects containing title, release year, rating, genre, and other relevant information.

    • selectedGenre: Genre filter selection (optional).

    • minReleaseYear and maxReleaseYear: Minimum and maximum release year filter range (optional).

    • minRating and maxRating: Minimum and maximum rating filter range (optional).

    • sortField: Field to sort by (title, release year, or rating).

    • sortOrder: Sort order (ascending or descending).

    • selectedMovie: Movie object representing the currently clicked movie for details (optional).

  3. Filtering: Implement functions to update state based on user selections:

    • handleGenreChange: Updates selectedGenre based on chosen genre filter.

    • handleReleaseYearRangeChange: Updates minReleaseYear and maxReleaseYear based on chosen range.

    • handleRatingRangeChange: Updates minRating and maxRating based on chosen range.

  4. Sorting: Implement a function to update sortField and sortOrder based on user selection (e.g., clicking on table headers).

  5. Filtered and Sorted Data: Utilize JavaScript's filter and sort methods to:

    • Filter the movies array based on selected filters (genre, release year, and rating).

    • Sort the filtered movies based on the chosen sortField and sortOrder.

  6. Movie Details: Implement conditional rendering or a separate details component to display detailed information about the currently clicked selectedMovie, including plot summary, director, cast, etc.


import React, { useState } from 'react';

const MOVIES = [
  // Array of movie objects containing relevant information

function MovieListApp() {
  const [selectedGenre, setSelectedGenre] = useState('');
  const [minReleaseYear, setMinReleaseYear] = useState(null);
  const [maxReleaseYear, setMaxReleaseYear] = useState(null);
  const [minRating, setMinRating] = useState(null);
  const [maxRating, setMaxRating] = useState(null);
  const [sortField, setSortField] = useState('title');
  const [sortOrder, setSortOrder] = useState('asc');
  const [selectedMovie, setSelectedMovie] = useState(null);

  const handleGenreChange = (genre) => setSelectedGenre(genre);
  const handleReleaseYearRangeChange = (minYear, maxYear) => {
  const handleRatingRangeChange = (minRating, maxRating) => {
  const handleSortChange = (field) => {
    setSortOrder(sortOrder === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc');

  const filteredMovies = MOVIES.filter((movie) => {
    if (selectedGenre && movie.genre !== selectedGenre) return false;
    if (minReleaseYear && movie.releaseYear < minReleaseYear) return false;
    if (maxReleaseYear && movie.releaseYear > maxReleaseYear) return false;
    if (minRating && movie.rating < minRating) return false;
    if (maxRating && movie.rating > maxRating) return false;
    return true;

  const sortedMovies = filteredMovies.sort((movie1, movie2) => {
    if (sortField === 'title') {
      return movie1.title.localeCompare(movie2.title, undefined, {
        sensitivity: 'case-insensitive',
    } else if (sortField === 'releaseYear') {
      return movie1.releaseYear - movie2.releaseYear;
    } else if (sortField === 'rating') {
      return movie2.rating - movie1.rating; // Descending for rating
    return 0;

  return (
    <div className="movie-list-app">
      <h1>Movie List</h1>
      <div className="filters">
        {/* Filter components for genre, release year range, and rating range */}
      <div className="sort-buttons">
        <button onClick={() => handleSortChange('title')}>Sort by Title</button>
        <button onClick={() => handleSortChange('releaseYear')}>Sort by Release Year</button>
        <button onClick={() => handleSortChange('rating')}>Sort by Rating</button>
            <th>Release Year</th>
          {sortedMovies.map((movie) => (
            <tr key={movie.id} onClick={() => setSelectedMovie(movie)}>
      {/* Conditional rendering of movie details for selectedMovie */}

export default MovieListApp;


  • This code provides a basic example of filtering and sorting a movie list. You can implement specific filter and sort components tailored to your chosen UI design.

  • The filteredMovies array is obtained by applying the selected filters to the MOVIES array using JavaScript's filter method.

  • The sortedMovies array is generated by sorting the filteredMovies based on the chosen sortField and sortOrder using sort.

  • Each movie item in the table triggers the setSelectedMovie function to display detailed information about the clicked movie upon selection.

Additional Notes

  • Consider integrating with a real-time API for dynamic data fetching instead of a static MOVIES array.

  • Enhance the UI with visual cues for active filters and sort options.

  • Implement pagination for displaying large movie lists efficiently.

  • Offer search functionality to allow users to find specific movies within the list.

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